Todo List
Page Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Solver

Explaining the method

Use of the simple AMG solver.

Page Asynchronous Execution

Describe aynchronous execution by a task

Describe asynchronous memory transfers

Page Conjugate Gradient (CG) Solver

Add code of the CG algorithm

Code example of using the CG solver in LAMA

Page Dense Matrix
Add picture for dense matrix-vector multiplication.
Page Distributions
Give a more detailled description of different distributions.
Page Expressions on Vectors and Matrices

Give a general idea about how template expressions work

Give a detailled overview about expressions with vectors.

Give a detailled overview about expressions with matrices.

Page Halo
Give a detailled description of Halo.
Page Jacobi Solver

Add code of the CG algorithm

Code example of using the CG solver in LAMA

Class lama::AMGSetup
The current Interface of AMGSetup is just for evaluation so this should be changed to meet all requirements. (e.g. Pre and Post Smoothing)
Global lama::COOSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Class lama::CRTPMatrix< Derived, ValueType >
: create, copy should also be defined here
Class lama::CRTPMatrixStorage< Derived, ValueType >
: create, copy should also be defined here
Global lama::CSRSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Class lama::DenseMatrixOps
invert as method for DenseStorage, MatrixStorage invert as method for DenseMatrix, Matrix
Global lama::DIASparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Global lama::ELLSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Global lama::JDSSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Global lama::LAMAArrayUtils::assign (_LAMAArray &target, const _LAMAArray &source)
Exact specification at which context values will be copied or add context arg
Class lama::LAMABLAS1
Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
Class lama::OpenMPBLAS1
Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
Class lama::OpenMPBLAS2

Move all method documentations to LAMAInterface and make references here

Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries

Global lama::OpenMPBLAS2::agemvpbv (int n, const double alpha, const double *const a, int m, const double *const x, const double beta, const double *const z, double *y, SyncToken *syncToken)

add doxygen comment

clarify BLAS inteface

Class lama::OpenMPBLAS3

Move all method documentations to LAMAInterface and make references here

Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries

Global lama::XXXSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
Page Matrix Storage
Can we insert the class diagram of MatrixStorage<T> here or maybe a direct reference.
Page Solver

Give an idea how a solver works

Describe use of stopping criterions.

Describe logging in the solver phase

Page Sparse Matrix
Add picture for sparse matrix-vector multiplication.
Page The Benchmark Framework

Description of the general intention of the benchmark framework

Code template for a benchmark, what is needed and to do

Description of input files for benchmarks, running the Python scripts

Global UNUSED (x)
a release version of LAMA should not have any UNUSED stuff in it.
Page Use of the LAMA Interface

Handling for subroutines that use multiple interface routines

Describe asynchronous execution

Page Vector
Give a detailled overview about expressions with vectors.