- Page Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Solver
Explaining the method
Use of the simple AMG solver.
- Page Asynchronous Execution
Describe aynchronous execution by a task
Describe asynchronous memory transfers
- Page Conjugate Gradient (CG) Solver
Add code of the CG algorithm
Code example of using the CG solver in LAMA
- Page Dense Matrix
- Add picture for dense matrix-vector multiplication.
- Page Distributions
- Give a more detailled description of different distributions.
- Page Expressions on Vectors and Matrices
Give a general idea about how template expressions work
Give a detailled overview about expressions with vectors.
Give a detailled overview about expressions with matrices.
- Page Halo
- Give a detailled description of Halo.
- Page Jacobi Solver
Add code of the CG algorithm
Code example of using the CG solver in LAMA
- Class lama::AMGSetup
- The current Interface of AMGSetup is just for evaluation so this should be changed to meet all requirements. (e.g. Pre and Post Smoothing)
- Global lama::COOSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Class lama::CRTPMatrix< Derived, ValueType >
- : create, copy should also be defined here
- Class lama::CRTPMatrixStorage< Derived, ValueType >
- : create, copy should also be defined here
- Global lama::CSRSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Class lama::DenseMatrixOps
- invert as method for DenseStorage, MatrixStorage invert as method for DenseMatrix, Matrix
- Global lama::DIASparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Global lama::ELLSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Global lama::JDSSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Global lama::LAMAArrayUtils::assign (_LAMAArray &target, const _LAMAArray &source)
- Exact specification at which context values will be copied or add context arg
- Class lama::LAMABLAS1
- Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
- Class lama::OpenMPBLAS1
- Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
- Class lama::OpenMPBLAS2
Move all method documentations to LAMAInterface and make references here
Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
- Global lama::OpenMPBLAS2::agemvpbv (int n, const double alpha, const double *const a, int m, const double *const x, const double beta, const double *const z, double *y, SyncToken *syncToken)
add doxygen comment
clarify BLAS inteface
- Class lama::OpenMPBLAS3
Move all method documentations to LAMAInterface and make references here
Add information here about use of native BLAS1 libraries
- Global lama::XXXSparseMatrix< T >::getLocalStorage ()
- this getter should be removed as write access to local strage is dangerous
- Page Matrix Storage
- Can we insert the class diagram of MatrixStorage<T> here or maybe a direct reference.
- Page Solver
Give an idea how a solver works
Describe use of stopping criterions.
Describe logging in the solver phase
- Page Sparse Matrix
- Add picture for sparse matrix-vector multiplication.
- Page The Benchmark Framework
Description of the general intention of the benchmark framework
Code template for a benchmark, what is needed and to do
Description of input files for benchmarks, running the Python scripts
- Global UNUSED (x)
- a release version of LAMA should not have any UNUSED stuff in it.
- Page Use of the LAMA Interface
Handling for subroutines that use multiple interface routines
Describe asynchronous execution
- Page Vector
- Give a detailled overview about expressions with vectors.