lama::CUDACOOUtils Class Reference

This class provides CUDA parallelized routines needed for COO format. More...

#include <CUDACOOUtils.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename ValueType >
static void normalGEMV (ValueType result[], const ValueType alpha, const ValueType x[], const ValueType beta, const ValueType y[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType cooIA[], const IndexType cooJA[], const ValueType cooValues[], const IndexType numValues, class SyncToken *syncToken)
 Implementation for COOUtilsInterface::Mult:normalGEMV with CUDA on GPUs.
static void setInterface (struct COOUtilsInterface &COOUtils)
 Routine that registers all routines of this class at the LAMA interface.

Private Member Functions


Detailed Description

This class provides CUDA parallelized routines needed for COO format.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename ValueType >
static void lama::CUDACOOUtils::normalGEMV ( ValueType  result[],
const ValueType  alpha,
const ValueType  x[],
const ValueType  beta,
const ValueType  y[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  cooIA[],
const IndexType  cooJA[],
const ValueType  cooValues[],
const IndexType  numValues,
class SyncToken syncToken 
) [static]

Implementation for COOUtilsInterface::Mult:normalGEMV with CUDA on GPUs.

static void lama::CUDACOOUtils::setInterface ( struct COOUtilsInterface COOUtils) [static]

Routine that registers all routines of this class at the LAMA interface.

Referenced by lama::CUDAInterface::CUDAInterface().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: