Namespaces |
namespace | File |
| Define an own namespace for enumeration types.
namespace | LoggerWriteBehaviour |
| Contains an enumeration which identifies whether a logger logs its messages to the console only or to a file and the console.
namespace | LogLevel |
| Contains the logLevels for different loggers.
Data Structures |
class | BaseAccess |
| Base class for all kind of access classes; accesses must always provide a release method. More...
class | CommunicationPlan |
| A communication plan describes a schedule of data to send or data to receive from other processors. More...
class | Communicator |
| Base and interface class for communicators used in LAMA. More...
class | CommunicatorFactory |
| Singleton class for an object that provides communicators of a certain type. More...
class | CommunicatorManager |
| Base class for a communicator manager. More...
class | Context |
| This class is a common base class for all possible contexts. More...
class | ContextAccess |
| This class is used for accessing a Context to enable computations on it. More...
class | ContextFactory |
| Singleton class that provides (shared) pointers to a context. More...
class | ContextManager |
| Base class for manager of context objects. More...
class | CUDABLAS1 |
class | CUDABLAS2 |
class | CUDABLAS3 |
class | CUDAContext |
| CUDAContext initializes the CUDA device with the given number. More...
class | CUDAContextManager |
class | CUDACOOUtils |
| This class provides CUDA parallelized routines needed for COO format. More...
class | CUDACSRUtils |
class | CUDADIAUtils |
| This class provides CUDA parallelized routines needed for DIA format. More...
class | CUDAELLUtils |
| This class provides routines to converse ELL storage data to CSR storage data and vice versa. More...
class | CUDAException |
class | CUDAHostContext |
| Alternative context to DefaultHostContext so that memory will be allocated on pinned memory that allows faster transfer to a certain CUDA device. More...
class | CUDAHostContextManager |
| This singleton class provides the one and only-one manager that provides access to a Host Context. More...
class | CUDAInterface |
class | CUDAJDSUtils |
| This class provides CUDA parallelized routines needed for JDS format. More...
class | CUDALAPACK |
class | CUDAStreamSyncToken |
| Class that sycnchronizes with a CUDA stream. More...
class | CUDAStreamSyncTokenPtr |
class | CUDAUtils |
| General utilities of the LAMA Interface implemented in CUDA. More...
class | DefaultHostContext |
| This class implements the default HOST context. More...
class | DefaultHostContextManager |
| This singleton class provides the one and only-one manager that provides access to a Default Host Context. More...
class | DenseVector |
| The template DenseVector represents a distributed 1D Vector with elements of type T. More...
class | Distributed |
| Common base class for all objects that are distributed. More...
class | BlockDistribution |
| Block distribution in contiguous chunks of same size for each partition. More...
class | BlockDistributionManager |
| Singleton class to manage replicated distributions (instance on each processor). More...
class | CyclicDistribution |
| For a block cyclic distribution the range is partitioned into chunks of a certain block size and these chunks are assigned in a round-robin manner to the available partitions. More...
class | CyclicDistributionManager |
| Singleton class to manage replicated distributions (instance on each processor). More...
class | Distribution |
| Abstract base class for a one-dimensional distribution. More...
class | GenBlockDistribution |
| Derived distribution class for general block distributions. More...
class | GeneralDistribution |
| A general distribution allows to map a global range of values to the partitions of a communicator completely arbitrarily. More...
class | Halo |
| The halo is an internal data structure that describes the exchange of non-local values completely. More...
class | HaloBuilder |
class | NoDistribution |
class | NoDistributionManager |
| Singleton class to manage replicated distributions (instance on each processor). More...
class | Redistributor |
| This class allows to create objects that handle redistributions of vector and matrices from one distribution into another distribution. More...
class | DistributionFactory |
| Singleton class for an object that provides distributions of a certain type. More...
class | DistributionManager |
| Base class for a distribution manager. More...
class | Exception |
| The class Exception represents a general exception in lama. More...
class | Expression |
| The template class Expression represents a mathematical expression. More...
class | HostContext |
| This class implements the base class HOST context. More...
class | HostReadAccess |
| HostReadAccess is a specialization of ReadAccess for a Host context with an extended interface. More...
class | HostWriteAccess |
| HostWriteAccess is a specialization of WriteAccess for the Host Location with an extended interface. More...
class | HostWriteOnlyAccess |
| HostWriteOnlyAccess is a write access where no existing values of the array are needed (keepFlag = false). More...
class | LAMAFile |
| Common base class for LAMA input and output files. More...
class | XDRFileStream |
| XDR file stream class to access XDR files Supported data types: (unsigned) int, (unsigned) long, float, double. More...
class | _LAMAArray |
| Common base class for typed LAMAArray. More...
class | LAMAArray |
| LAMAArray is the base array containter for all compute relevant data within LAMA. More...
class | LAMAArrayRef |
| LAMAArrayRef is a container that uses external data. More...
class | LAMAArrayUtils |
| Class that contains some utility routines used at several places. More...
class | LAMAArrayView |
| LAMAArrayView is a proxy which gives a view to a sub range of a LAMAArray. More...
class | LAMAArrayConstView |
| LAMAArrayConstView is a proxy which gives a constant view to a sub range of a LAMAArray. More...
struct | BLAS1Interface |
struct | BLAS2Interface |
struct | BLAS3Interface |
struct | LAPACKInterface |
| Structure with pointers for routines using LAPACK. More...
struct | SCALAPACKInterface |
struct | UtilsInterface |
| Structure with pointers for all Utils methods. More...
struct | CSRUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in CSR storage. More...
struct | DenseUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in Dense storage. More...
struct | ELLUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in ELL storage. More...
struct | JDSUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in JDS storage. More...
struct | DIAUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in DIA storage. More...
struct | COOUtilsInterface |
| Interface for utility functions to be used in COO storage. More...
class | LAMAInterface |
| LAMAInterface is the abstract class for Matrix-Vector operations. More...
class | LAMAInterfaceRegistry |
class | LAMAInterfaceRegistration |
class | COOSparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the COO storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | CRTPMatrix |
| This template class supports static polymorphism to define common routines for base classes SparseMatrix<T> and DenseMatrix<T>. More...
class | CSRSparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the CSR storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | DenseMatrix |
| Class for dense matrices where rows are distributed among rows and columns are splitted according to a column distribution. More...
class | DenseMatrixOps |
| Static class that offers some matrix operations for dense matrices. More...
class | DIASparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the DIA storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | ELLSparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the ELL storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | JDSSparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the JDS storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | Matrix |
| The class Matrix is a abstract type that represents a distributed 2D real or complex matrix. More...
class | MetaMatrix |
class | MatrixConfigGrammar |
class | SimpleStorageStrategy |
class | _SparseMatrix |
| Common base class for SparseMatrix that is independent of the value type used for the matrix values. More...
class | SparseMatrix |
| A SparseMatrix represents a distributed 2D sparse matrix with elements of type ValueType. More...
class | XXXSparseMatrix |
| Definition of a derived class for SparseMatrix that uses the XXX storage format for the local and halo data of the distributed sparse matrix. More...
class | MatrixCreator |
| This class provides some static methods to build or create sparse matrices for certain problem classes. More...
class | MPICommunicator |
| Communicator class that implements communication and data exchange via MPI. More...
class | MPICommunicatorManager |
| Singleton class to manage MPI Communicator. More...
class | MPIException |
class | MPISyncToken |
| Class for MPI synchronization that waits on pending messages. More...
class | NoCommunicator |
| The class NoCommunicator stands for objects that are replicated on each partition or processor. More...
class | NoCommunicatorManager |
class | NonCopyable |
| Base class to disable compiler generated copy constructor and assignment operator. More...
class | L1Norm |
class | L2Norm |
| L2Norm is a functor specialization of Norm that calculates the l2 norm for the passed values. More...
class | MaxNorm |
class | Norm |
| Norm is a abstract functor to calculate the norms for the passed values. More...
class | NoSyncToken |
class | BLASHelper |
class | LAMABLAS1 |
| Implementations of methods for lama::BLAS1Interface with LAMABLAS. More...
class | OpenMPBLAS1 |
| Implementations of methods for lama::BLAS1Interface with OpenMP. More...
class | OpenMPBLAS2 |
| Implementations of methods for lama::BLAS2Interface with OpenMP. More...
class | OpenMPBLAS3 |
| Implementations of methods for lama::BLAS3Interface with OpenMP. More...
class | OpenMPCOOUtils |
| This class provides OpenMP implementations to be used for COOUtilsInterface. More...
class | OpenMPCSRUtils |
| This class provides routines on compressed sparse row data. More...
class | OpenMPDenseUtils |
| This class provides OpenMP implementations for methods in lama::DenseUtilsInterface. More...
class | OpenMPDIAUtils |
| This class provides routines to converse DIA storage data to CSR storage data and vice versa. More...
class | OpenMPELLUtils |
| This class provides routines to converse ELL storage data to CSR storage data and vice versa. More...
class | OpenMPInterface |
class | OpenMPJDSUtils |
| This class provides OpenMP implementations as needed for JDSUtilsInterface. More...
class | OpenMPLAPACK |
class | OpenMPSCALAPACK |
class | OpenMPUtils |
| General utilities of the LAMA Interface implemented in OpenMP. More...
class | PGASMaxFunctor |
class | PGASMaxLocFunctor |
class | PGASMinFunctor |
class | PGASSumFunctor |
class | GPIInterface |
class | LAMAArguments |
class | LAMAInstance |
class | OpenShMemInterface |
class | PGASAllocator |
class | PGASCheckInterface |
class | PGASCommunicator |
class | PGASCommunicatorManager |
| Singleton class to manage PGAS Communicator. More...
class | PGASContext |
| Alternative context to DefaultHostContext so that memory will be allocated symmetric on all nodes. More...
class | PGASContextManager |
| This singleton class provides the one and only-one manager that provides access to a Host Context. More...
class | PGASFunctor |
class | PGASInterface |
class | PGASNoInterface |
class | PGASSimpleAllocator |
class | PGASSyncToken |
| Class for PGAS synchronization that waits on pending messages. More...
class | ReadAccess |
| The template ReadAccess is used to enforce the consistency of the template LAMAArray. More...
class | Scalar |
| The class Scalar represents a multi precision scalar. More...
class | AMGSetup |
| The class AMGSetup should describe the Interace to an AMG Setup. More...
class | CG |
| The class CG represents a IterativeSolver which uses the krylov subspace CG method to solve a system of linear equations iteratively. More...
class | CGCreator |
class | Creator |
class | CriteriaCreator |
class | DefaultJacobiCreator |
class | GMRESCreator |
class | InverseSolverCreator |
class | IterativeSolverCreator |
class | LoggerCreator |
class | LUSolverCreator |
class | OmegaSolverCreator |
class | SimpleAMGCreator |
class | SolverCreator |
| SolverCreator: base of the Solver Registry. More...
class | SolverFactory |
| registry for Solver provides interface for getting a new CG solver More...
class | SORCreator |
class | SpecializedJacobiCreator |
class | SpecialLUSolverCreator |
class | Criterion |
| The class Criterion is the base class for all stopping criterions that we can use on a Solver. More...
class | IterationCount |
| IterationCount is a stopping criterion of a solver which checks the number of iterations a solver has executed. More...
class | ResidualStagnation |
| Stagnation stopping criterion. More...
class | ResidualThreshold |
| ResidualThreshold is a stopping criterion of a solver which checks the residue of a solver for certain criteria. More...
class | DefaultJacobi |
class | GMRES |
| The class GMRES represents a IterativeSolver which uses the krylov subspace GMRES method to solve a system of linear equations iteratively. More...
class | InverseSolver |
| Uses matrix inverse to solve the equation system. More...
class | IterativeSolver |
| Uses iterative methods to solve the equation system. More...
class | CommonLogger |
| A CommonLogger which adds no prefix to its messages. More...
class | FileLogger |
| Singleton-based logger for write only file-logging purposes. More...
class | Logger |
| A logger abstraction. More...
class | OpenMPTimer |
| Timer implementation using OpenMP timing For further documentation see Timer interface. More...
class | Timer |
| A simple timer interface, offering a few, common timer operations. More...
class | LUSolver |
class | MetaSolver |
class | SolverConfigGrammar |
class | OmegaSolver |
| The OldSolutionHandler class only manages the omega parameter For solvers like Jacobi and SOR. More...
class | SimpleAMG |
class | SingleGridSetup |
class | SolutionProxy |
| The SolutionProxy is used to avoid multiple residual calculations. More...
class | Solver |
| Superclass for all solvers. More...
class | SOR |
class | SpecializedJacobi |
class | TrivialPreconditioner |
class | COOStorage |
| Matrix storage format for a COO sparse matrix. More...
class | CRTPMatrixStorage |
| This template class supports static polymorphism to define common routines for derived classes of MatrixStorage. More...
class | CSRStorage |
| Storage format for a CSR (compressed storage row) sparse matrix. More...
class | DenseStorageView |
| Storage format for a Dense matrix. More...
class | DenseStorage |
| The class DenseStorage is a DenseStorageView that manages its own data. More...
class | DIAStorage |
| Storage format for a DIA (compressed storage row) sparse matrix. More...
class | ELLStorage |
| Storage format for an ELLPACK sparse matrix. More...
class | JDSStorage |
| Storage format for a JDS sparse matrix. More...
class | _MatrixStorage |
| The class _MatrixStorage is the base class for all matrix storage classes supported by LAMA. More...
class | MatrixStorage |
| The template class MatrixStorage<ValueType> is the base class for all matrix storage classes of a given ValueType. More...
class | SparseAssemblyStorage |
| The template SparseAssemblyStorage is a convenient intermediate container to construct a sparse matrix which structure is not known a priori. More...
class | _StorageMethods |
class | StorageMethods |
| This class provides static utility methods for splitting matrix storage into a local and a halo part. More...
struct | MatrixValue |
class | _StorageIO |
| This class provides static utility methods for splitting matrix storage into a local and a halo part. More...
class | StorageIO |
class | SyncToken |
| Abstract class that defines tokens for asynchronous operations. More...
struct | LAMAThreadTask |
| Structure that specifies worker task and its state. More...
class | LAMAThreadPool |
| Class that defines a pool of threads that will execute scheduled tasks (see LAMAThreadTask). More...
class | Task |
| Class for asynchronous tasks. More...
class | TaskSyncToken |
| Class to run a function asynchronously as a asynchronous Task. More...
class | Thread |
class | TypeTraits |
| The template class TypeTraits determines the index and value types. More...
class | TypeTraits< long > |
class | TypeTraits< int > |
class | TypeTraits< float > |
class | TypeTraits< double > |
class | Vector |
| The class Vector is a abstract type that represents a distributed 1D real or complex vector. More...
class | WriteAccess |
| The Template WriteAccess is used to enforce the consistency of the template LAMAArray. More...
class | WriteOnlyAccess |
| WriteOnlyAccess is a write access where no existing values of the array are needed (keepFlag). More...
Typedefs |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< const Communicator > | CommunicatorPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< const Context > | ContextPtr |
| Context pointers will be always const, so context can never be modified.
typedef Context::ContextType | ContextType |
| Make ContextType visible in namespace, but not the different enumeration values.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< const CUDAContext > | CUDAContextPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< const class Distribution > | DistributionPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GeneralDistribution > | GeneralDistributionPtr |
typedef Context::ContextData | ContextData |
Context::ContextData::AccessKind | AccessKind |
typedef int | IndexType |
| Data type that is used for indexing in LAMA.
typedef int | PartitionId |
| Data type that is used for numbering of partitions.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Matrix > | MatrixPtr |
| Pointer class for a matrix, always use of a shared pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Norm > | NormPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Criterion > | CriterionPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Logger > | LoggerPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OmegaSolver > | OldSolutionHandlerPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Solver > | SolverPtr |
typedef unsigned int | TaskId |
| Type definition for task id.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Vector > | VectorPtr |
| Pointer class for a vector, always use of a shared pointer.
Enumerations |
enum | ExpressionTypes { Plus,
} |
| ExpressionTypes expresses the type of an Expression. More...
enum | CBLAS_ORDER { CblasRowMajor = 101,
CblasColMajor = 102
} |
| Enumeration type for storage order of two-dimensional arrays, taken over from cblas. More...
enum | CBLAS_TRANSPOSE { CblasNoTrans = 111,
CblasTrans = 112,
CblasConjTrans = 113
} |
| Enumeration type for transpose use of two-dimensional arrays, taken over from cblas. More...
enum | CBLAS_UPLO { CblasUpper = 121,
CblasLower = 122
} |
| Enumeration type for partial use of two-dimensional arrays, taken over from cblas. More...
enum | CBLAS_DIAG { CblasNonUnit = 131,
CblasUnit = 132
} |
enum | CBLAS_SIDE { CblasLeft = 141,
CblasRight = 142
} |
enum | PGASCommunicationKind { PGASget,
} |
enum | MatrixStorageFormat {
} |
| Enumeration type for different matrix storage formats. More...
Functions |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CommunicationPlan::logger,"CommunicationPlan") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Communicator::logger,"Communicator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CommunicatorFactory::logger,"CommunicatorFactory") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CommunicatorManager::logger,"CommunicatorManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Context::logger,"Context") |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ContextType type) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (ContextAccess::logger,"ContextAccess") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (ContextFactory::logger,"ContextFactory") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (ContextManager::logger,"ContextManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CUDAContext::logger,"Context.CUDAContext") |
| static variables
const char * | cudaDriverErrorString (CUresult res) |
| Function that translates enum CUresult to strings.
const char * | cublasErrorString (cublasStatus res) |
| Function that translates enum cublasStatus to strings.
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CUDAHostContext::logger,"Context.CUDAHostContext") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CUDAInterface::logger,"LAMAInterface.CUDAInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DefaultHostContext::logger,"Context.DefaultHostContext") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, DenseVector< T >::logger,"Vector.DenseVector") |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType > |
static void | writeBinaryData (std::fstream &outFile, const DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType > |
static void | readBinaryData (std::fstream &inFile, DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (BlockDistribution::logger,"Distribution.BlockDistribution") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (BlockDistributionManager::logger,"DistributionManager.BlockDistributionManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CyclicDistribution::logger,"Distribution.CyclicDistribution") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CyclicDistributionManager::logger,"DistributionManager.CyclicDistributionManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Distribution::logger,"Distribution") |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, Distribution const &dist) |
template<typename T > |
static IndexType | fillGlobal (T *allValues, const IndexType *allOffsets, const IndexType *indexes, const IndexType numIndexes, const T *values) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (GenBlockDistribution::logger,"Distribution.GenBlockDistribution") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (GeneralDistribution::logger,"Distribution.General") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Halo::logger,"Halo") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (HaloBuilder::logger,"Halo.Builder") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (NoDistribution::logger,"Distribution.NoDistribution") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (NoDistributionManager::logger,"DistributionManager.NoDistributionManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Redistributor::logger,"Redistributor") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DistributionFactory::logger,"DistributionFactory") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DistributionManager::logger,"DistributionManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Exception::logger,"Exception") |
Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > | operator* (const Scalar &scalar, const Matrix &matrix) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix.
Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > | operator* (const Matrix &matrix, const Scalar &scalar) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix.
Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times > | operator* (const Matrix &m1, const Matrix &m2) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of a Matrix and a Matrix.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Matrix, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Matrix &m1, const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Matrix, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp, const Matrix &m1) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Matrix, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Scalar &s1, const Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times > &exp) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Matrix, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times > &exp, const Scalar &s1) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Matrix,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Matrix, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times >, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp2) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents the sum of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix plus Scalar times Matrix.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Matrix,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Matrix, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp2, const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times >, Times > &exp1) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents the sum of Scalar times Matrix times Matrix plus Scalar times Matrix.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Matrix,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Matrix, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times >, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp2) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the sum of Scalar*(Matrix*Matrix) + Scalar*Matrix.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Matrix,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Matrix, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp2, const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Matrix, Times >, Times > &exp1) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the sum of Scalar*(Matrix*Matrix) + Scalar*Matrix.
Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > | operator* (const Matrix &matrix, const Vector &vector) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of a Matrix and a Vector.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Vector, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Scalar &scalar, const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Vector, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp, const Scalar &scalar) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x, where x is vector, A is a matrix and a is a scalar.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Vector, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Matrix &matrix, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp) |
| This times operator creates an expression that represents the product of a Matrix, Vector and Scalar.
Expression< Scalar, Expression
< Matrix, Vector, Times >
, Times > | operator* (const Expression< Scalar, Matrix, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents A * B * x, where x is vector, A and B are matrices.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Matrix, Expression< Vector, Scalar, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2, const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp1) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Vector &vector, const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Matrix, Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This minus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Vector &vector, const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Matrix, Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Matrix, Expression< Vector, Scalar, Times >, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp, const Vector &vector) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2, const Expression< Scalar, Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times >, Times > &exp1) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Expression< Matrix, Vector,
Times >, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Matrix, Vector, Times > &exp2, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp1) |
| This plus operator creates an expression that represents a * A * x + b * y, where x and y are vectors, A is a matrix and a and b are scalars.
Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > | operator* (const Scalar &alpha, const Vector &x) |
| The times operator creates an expression that represents Scalar times Vector.
Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > | operator* (const Vector &x, const Scalar &alpha) |
| The times operator creates an expression that represents Vector times Scalar.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Vector &x, const Vector &y) |
| The plus operator creates an expression that represents the sum of two vectors.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Vector &x, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| The plus operator creates an expression that represents sum of Vector and Vector times Scalar.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| The plus operator creates an expression that represents sum of Vector times Scalar and Vector times Scalar.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2, const Vector &x) |
| The plus operator creates an expression that represents sum of Vector times Scalar plus Vector.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator+ (const Expression< Vector, Scalar, Times > &exp2, const Vector &x) |
| The plus operator creates an expression that represents sum of Scalar times Vector plus Vector.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Vector &x, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| The minus operator creates an expression that represents the difference of Vector and Vector times Scalar.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp1, const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2) |
| The minus operator creates an expression that represents the difference of two scalar vector products.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Vector &x, const Vector &y) |
| The minus operator creates an expression that represents the difference of two vectors.
Expression< Expression< Scalar,
Vector, Times >, Expression
< Scalar, Vector, Times >
, Plus > | operator- (const Expression< Scalar, Vector, Times > &exp2, const Vector &x) |
| The minus operator creates an expression that represents the difference of Vector times Scalar and Vector.
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, HostReadAccess< T >::logger,"ReadAccess.HostReadAccess") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, LAMAArray< ValueType >::logger,"LAMAArray") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LAMAArrayUtils::logger,"LAMAArrayUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LAMAInterface::logger,"LAMAInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, COOSparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.COOSparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, CSRSparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.CSRSparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, DenseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.DenseMatrix") |
template<typename ValueType > |
static void | replicate (DenseStorage< ValueType > &replicatedData, DenseStorage< ValueType > &distributedData, const Distribution &distribution) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DenseMatrixOps::logger,"DenseMatrixOps") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, DIASparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.DIASparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, ELLSparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.ELLSparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, JDSSparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.JDSSparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Matrix::logger,"Matrix") |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Matrix::SyncKind &kind) |
| This function prints a SyncKind on an output stream.
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (MetaMatrix::logger,"Matrix.MetaMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (MatrixConfigGrammar::logger,"Matrix.MetaMatrix.Grammar") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, SimpleStorageStrategy< ValueType >::logger,"Matrix.SimpleStorageStrategy") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, SparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename T >, XXXSparseMatrix< T >::logger,"Matrix.SparseMatrix.XXXSparseMatrix") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, MatrixCreator< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixCreator") |
static void | getStencilProperties (IndexType &dimension, IndexType &length, IndexType &distance, IndexType stencilType) |
template<typename IndexType > |
static IndexType | getMatrixPosition (IndexType idX, IndexType idY, IndexType idZ, IndexType dimX, IndexType dimY, IndexType) |
template<typename IndexType > |
static int | getNumNeighbors (IndexType id, IndexType dim, int shift) |
template<typename IndexType > |
static IndexType | getNStencilValues (IndexType idX, IndexType idY, IndexType idZ, IndexType dimX, IndexType dimY, IndexType dimZ, IndexType length, IndexType maxDistance) |
template<typename IndexType , typename ValueType > |
static void | getStencil (std::vector< IndexType > &positions, std::vector< ValueType > &values, const IndexType idX, const IndexType idY, const IndexType idZ, const IndexType dimX, const IndexType dimY, const IndexType dimZ, const IndexType stencilType, const IndexType length, const IndexType maxDistance) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (MPICommunicator::logger,"Communicator.MPICommunicator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (MPICommunicatorManager::logger,"CommunicatorManager.MPICommunicatorManager") |
Scalar | l1Norm (const Scalar &scalar) |
Scalar | l1Norm (const Vector &vector) |
Scalar | l2Norm (const Scalar &scalar) |
| calculates the l2 norm of the passed Scalar.
Scalar | l2Norm (const Vector &vector) |
| calculates the l2 norm of the passed Vector.
Scalar | maxNorm (const Scalar &scalar) |
Scalar | maxNorm (const Vector &vector) |
void ** | lama_sToVoidPtr (float **floatPointer) |
void ** | lama_dToVoidPtr (double **doublePointer) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPBLAS1::logger,"OpenMP.BLAS1") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPBLAS2::logger,"OpenMP.BLAS2") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPBLAS3::logger,"OpenMP.BLAS3") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPCOOUtils::logger,"OpenMP.COOUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPCSRUtils::logger,"OpenMP.CSRUtils") |
static IndexType | findCol (const IndexType columns[], const IndexType n, const IndexType j, IndexType lastPos) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPDenseUtils::logger,"OpenMP.DenseUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPDIAUtils::logger,"OpenMP.DIAUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPELLUtils::logger,"OpenMP.ELLUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPInterface::logger,"LAMAInterface.OpenMPInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPJDSUtils::logger,"OpenMP.JDSUtils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenMPUtils::logger,"OpenMP.Utils") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (GPIInterface::logger,"PGASInterface.GPIInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LAMAInstance::logger,"LAMAInstance") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OpenShMemInterface::logger,"PGASInterface.OpenShMemInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (PGASCommunicator::logger,"Communicator.PGASCommunicator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (PGASCommunicatorManager::logger,"CommunicatorManager.PGASCommunicatorManager") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (PGASContext::logger,"Context.PGASContext") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (PGASInterface::logger,"PGASInterface") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, ReadAccess< ValueType >::logger,"ReadAccess") |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Scalar::ScalarType &object) |
template<typename T > |
T | cast (const Scalar &scalar) |
| Cast operator to convert a Scalar into corresponding basic type.
template<> |
Scalar::ScalarType | Scalar::getType< std::complex< float > > () |
template<> |
Scalar::ScalarType | Scalar::getType< std::complex< double > > () |
template<> |
Scalar::ScalarType | Scalar::getType< std::complex< long double > > () |
Scalar | operator+ (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Add Scalar a with Scalar b.
Scalar | operator- (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Subtract Scalar a with Scalar b.
Scalar | operator* (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Multiply Scalar a with Scalar b.
Scalar | operator/ (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Divide Scalar a with Scalar b.
bool | operator== (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Check equality of a and b.
bool | operator!= (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
| Check inequality of a and b.
bool | operator< (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
bool | operator> (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
bool | operator<= (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
bool | operator>= (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b) |
Scalar | sqrt (const Scalar scalar) |
Scalar | abs (const Scalar scalar) |
Scalar | max (const Scalar a, const Scalar b) |
Scalar | min (const Scalar a, const Scalar b) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CG::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.CG") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CGCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.CGCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Creator::logger,"Creator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (CriteriaCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.CriteriaCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DefaultJacobiCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.DefaultJacobiCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (GMRESCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.GMRESCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (InverseSolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.InverseSolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (IterativeSolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.IterativeSolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LoggerCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.LoggerCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LUSolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.LUSolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OmegaSolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.OmegaSolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SimpleAMGCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.SimpleAMGCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SolverFactory::logger,"Solver.SolverFactory") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SORCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.SORCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SpecializedJacobiCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.SpecializedJacobiCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LUSolverCreator::logger,"Solver.SolverCreator.SpecialLUSolverCreator") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Criterion::logger,"Criterion") |
CriterionPtr | operator|| (CriterionPtr a, CriterionPtr b) |
CriterionPtr | operator&& (CriterionPtr a, CriterionPtr b) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (IterationCount::logger,"Criterion.IterationCount") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (DefaultJacobi::logger,"Jacobi.DefaultJacobi") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (GMRES::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.GMRES") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (InverseSolver::logger,"Solver.InverseSolver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (IterativeSolver::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Logger::logger,"Logger") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (MetaSolver::logger,"Solver.MetaSolver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SolverConfigGrammar::logger,"Solver.MetaSolver.Grammar") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (OmegaSolver::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.OmegaSolver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SimpleAMG::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.SimpleAMG") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SimpleAMG::SimpleAMGRuntime::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.SimpleAMG.SimpleAMGRuntime") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SingleGridSetup::logger,"AMGSetup.SingleGridSetup") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Solver::logger,"Solver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SOR::logger,"Solver.IterativeSolver.OmegaSolver.SOR") |
void | computeROOTforwards (lama::PartitionId &root, const lama::IndexType &numProcs) |
void | computeROOTbackwards (lama::PartitionId &root, const lama::IndexType &numProcs) |
bool | lowerFin (lama::IndexType &i, lama::PartitionId &root, const lama::IndexType &nP, const lama::IndexType &bH) |
bool | upperFin (lama::IndexType &i, lama::PartitionId &root, const lama::IndexType &nP, const lama::IndexType &) |
void | lowerInit (lama::IndexType &begin, lama::IndexType &end, const lama::IndexType &i, const lama::IndexType &nP, const lama::IndexType &bW, const lama::PartitionId &me, const lama::PartitionId &root) |
void | upperInit (lama::IndexType &begin, lama::IndexType &end, const lama::IndexType &i, const lama::IndexType &nP, const lama::IndexType &, const lama::PartitionId &me, const lama::PartitionId &root) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LUSolver::logger,"LUSolver") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, COOStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.COOStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, CSRStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.CSRStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, DenseStorageView< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.DenseStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, DIAStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.DIAStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, ELLStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.ELLStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, JDSStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.JDSStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (_MatrixStorage::logger,"MatrixStorage") |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const MatrixStorageFormat storageFormat) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, SparseAssemblyStorage< ValueType >::logger,"MatrixStorage.SparseAssemblyStorage") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (_StorageMethods::logger,"StorageMethods") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (_StorageIO::logger,"StorageIO") |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType , int offset> |
static void | writeBinaryData (std::fstream &outFile, const DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType , int offset> |
static void | readBinaryData (std::fstream &inFile, DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType , int offset> |
static void | writeData (XDRFileStream &outFile, const DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
template<typename FileType , typename DataType , int offset> |
static void | readData (XDRFileStream &inFile, DataType data[], const IndexType n) |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (SyncToken::logger,"SyncToken") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (LAMAThreadPool::logger,"LAMAThreadPool") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Task::logger,"Task") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (TaskSyncToken::logger,"SyncToken.TaskSyncToken") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_LOGGER (Vector::logger,"Vector") |
| LAMA_LOG_DEF_TEMPLATE_LOGGER (template< typename ValueType >, WriteAccess< ValueType >::logger,"WriteAccess") |
Variables |
cusparseHandle_t | CUDAContext_cusparseHandle = 0 |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DenseVector< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DenseVector< double > |
template class
template class
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | LAMAArrayConstView< IndexType > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | LAMAArrayConstView< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | LAMAArrayConstView< double > |
const IndexType | nIndex = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::max() |
| Definition for a constant value that indicates a non-available index.
const PartitionId | nPartition = std::numeric_limits<PartitionId>::max() |
| Definition for a constant value that indicates a non-available partition.
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | COOSparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | COOSparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | CSRSparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | CSRSparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DenseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DenseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DIASparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DIASparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ELLSparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ELLSparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | JDSSparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | JDSSparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SimpleStorageStrategy< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SimpleStorageStrategy< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | XXXSparseMatrix< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | XXXSparseMatrix< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | MatrixCreator< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | MatrixCreator< double > |
static int | minThreads = 3 |
| Number of minimal threads for which parallelization is effective.
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ReadAccess< IndexType > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ReadAccess< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ReadAccess< double > |
const Scalar | zero |
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | COOStorage< double > |
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | CSRStorage< double > |
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | DIAStorage< double > |
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | ELLStorage< double > |
template class
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | JDSStorage< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | MatrixStorage< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | MatrixStorage< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SparseAssemblyStorage< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | SparseAssemblyStorage< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | StorageMethods< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | StorageMethods< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | StorageIO< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | StorageIO< double > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | WriteAccess< IndexType > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | WriteAccess< float > |
template class
LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT | WriteAccess< double > |