lama::CUDAELLUtils Class Reference

This class provides routines to converse ELL storage data to CSR storage data and vice versa. More...

#include <CUDAELLUtils.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static IndexType ellindex (const IndexType i, const IndexType jj, const IndexType numRows)
 Addressing function for the arrays ia and ja: column-wise.
static IndexType countNonEmptyRowsBySizes (const IndexType sizes[], const IndexType numRows)
 This method computes the total number of non-zero rows by the size array.
static bool hasDiagonalProperty (const IndexType numDiagonals, const IndexType ellJA[])
 check diagonal property.
static void setNonEmptyRowsBySizes (IndexType rowIndexes[], const IndexType numNonEmptyRows, const IndexType sizes[], const IndexType numRows)
 Build a vector of indexes for non-empty rows.
static void check (const IndexType mNumRows, const IndexType mNumValuesPerRow, const IndexType mNumColumns, const IndexType *ia, const IndexType *ja, const char *msg)
template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static void getRow (OtherValueType *row, const IndexType i, const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numColumns, const IndexType *ia, const IndexType *ja, const ValueType *values)
 Returns one row of the matrix.
template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static OtherValueType getValue (const IndexType i, const IndexType j, const IndexType numRows, const IndexType *ia, const IndexType *ja, const ValueType *values)
 Returns one value of the matrix.
template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static void scaleValue (const IndexType numRows, const IndexType Ia[], ValueType mValues[], const OtherValueType values[])
 Scales matrix using an vector.
template<typename ELLValueType , typename CSRValueType >
static void getCSRValues (IndexType csrJA[], CSRValueType csrValues[], const IndexType csrIA[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType ellSizes[], const IndexType ellJA[], const ELLValueType ellValues[])
 Implementation for ELLUtilsInterface::Conversions::getCSRValues.
template<typename ELLValueType , typename CSRValueType >
static void setCSRValues (IndexType ellJA[], ELLValueType ellValues[], const IndexType ellSizes[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numValuesPerRow, const IndexType csrIA[], const IndexType csrJA[], const CSRValueType csrValues[])
 Helper routine for conversion CSR to ELL format.
template<typename ValueType >
static void normalGEMV (ValueType result[], const ValueType alpha, const ValueType x[], const ValueType beta, const ValueType y[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numNonZerosPerRows, const IndexType csrIA[], const IndexType csrJA[], const ValueType csrValues[], class SyncToken *syncToken)
 Implementation for CSRUtilsInterface::Mult::normalGEMV.
template<typename ValueType >
static void sparseGEMV (ValueType result[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numNonZerosPerRows, const ValueType alpha, const ValueType x[], const IndexType numNonZeroRows, const IndexType rowIndexes[], const IndexType csrIA[], const IndexType csrJA[], const ValueType csrValues[], class SyncToken *syncToken)
 Implementation for CSRUtilsInterface::Mult::sparseGEMV.
template<typename ValueType >
static void jacobi (ValueType solution[], const IndexType numRows, const IndexType ellNumValuesPerRow, const IndexType ellSizes[], const IndexType ellJA[], const ValueType ellValues[], const ValueType oldSolution[], const ValueType rhs[], const ValueType omega, class SyncToken *syncToken)
 Implementation for ELLUtilsInterface::Solver::jacobi.
template<typename ValueType >
static void jacobiHalo (ValueType solution[], const IndexType numRows, const ValueType diagonal[], const IndexType ellNumValuesPerRow, const IndexType ellSizes[], const IndexType ellJA[], const ValueType ellValues[], const IndexType rowIndexes[], const IndexType numNonEmptyRows, const ValueType oldSolution[], const ValueType omega, class SyncToken *syncToken)
 Implementation for ELLUtilsInterface::Solver::jacobiHalo.
static void setInterface (struct ELLUtilsInterface &ELLUtils)
 Routine that registers all routines of this class at the LAMA interface.

Private Member Functions


Detailed Description

This class provides routines to converse ELL storage data to CSR storage data and vice versa.

All routines work on already allocated data and utilize CUDA for their parallelization.

Member Function Documentation

static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::check ( const IndexType  mNumRows,
const IndexType  mNumValuesPerRow,
const IndexType  mNumColumns,
const IndexType ia,
const IndexType ja,
const char *  msg 
) [static]
static IndexType lama::CUDAELLUtils::countNonEmptyRowsBySizes ( const IndexType  sizes[],
const IndexType  numRows 
) [static]

This method computes the total number of non-zero rows by the size array.

static IndexType lama::CUDAELLUtils::ellindex ( const IndexType  i,
const IndexType  jj,
const IndexType  numRows 
) [inline, static]

Addressing function for the arrays ia and ja: column-wise.

template<typename ELLValueType , typename CSRValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::getCSRValues ( IndexType  csrJA[],
CSRValueType  csrValues[],
const IndexType  csrIA[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  ellSizes[],
const IndexType  ellJA[],
const ELLValueType  ellValues[] 
) [static]
template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::getRow ( OtherValueType *  row,
const IndexType  i,
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  numColumns,
const IndexType ia,
const IndexType ja,
const ValueType *  values 
) [static]

Returns one row of the matrix.

template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static OtherValueType lama::CUDAELLUtils::getValue ( const IndexType  i,
const IndexType  j,
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType ia,
const IndexType ja,
const ValueType *  values 
) [static]

Returns one value of the matrix.

static bool lama::CUDAELLUtils::hasDiagonalProperty ( const IndexType  numDiagonals,
const IndexType  ellJA[] 
) [static]

check diagonal property.

ELL format with diagonal property: diagonal is just the first column in mValues

template<typename ValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::jacobi ( ValueType  solution[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  ellNumValuesPerRow,
const IndexType  ellSizes[],
const IndexType  ellJA[],
const ValueType  ellValues[],
const ValueType  oldSolution[],
const ValueType  rhs[],
const ValueType  omega,
class SyncToken syncToken 
) [static]

Implementation for ELLUtilsInterface::Solver::jacobi.

template<typename ValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::jacobiHalo ( ValueType  solution[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const ValueType  diagonal[],
const IndexType  ellNumValuesPerRow,
const IndexType  ellSizes[],
const IndexType  ellJA[],
const ValueType  ellValues[],
const IndexType  rowIndexes[],
const IndexType  numNonEmptyRows,
const ValueType  oldSolution[],
const ValueType  omega,
class SyncToken syncToken 
) [static]
template<typename ValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::normalGEMV ( ValueType  result[],
const ValueType  alpha,
const ValueType  x[],
const ValueType  beta,
const ValueType  y[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  numNonZerosPerRows,
const IndexType  csrIA[],
const IndexType  csrJA[],
const ValueType  csrValues[],
class SyncToken syncToken 
) [static]
template<typename ValueType , typename OtherValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::scaleValue ( const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  Ia[],
ValueType  mValues[],
const OtherValueType  values[] 
) [static]

Scales matrix using an vector.

template<typename ELLValueType , typename CSRValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::setCSRValues ( IndexType  ellJA[],
ELLValueType  ellValues[],
const IndexType  ellSizes[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  numValuesPerRow,
const IndexType  csrIA[],
const IndexType  csrJA[],
const CSRValueType  csrValues[] 
) [static]

Helper routine for conversion CSR to ELL format.

static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::setInterface ( struct ELLUtilsInterface ELLUtils) [static]

Routine that registers all routines of this class at the LAMA interface.

Referenced by lama::CUDAInterface::CUDAInterface().

static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::setNonEmptyRowsBySizes ( IndexType  rowIndexes[],
const IndexType  numNonEmptyRows,
const IndexType  sizes[],
const IndexType  numRows 
) [static]

Build a vector of indexes for non-empty rows.

template<typename ValueType >
static void lama::CUDAELLUtils::sparseGEMV ( ValueType  result[],
const IndexType  numRows,
const IndexType  numNonZerosPerRows,
const ValueType  alpha,
const ValueType  x[],
const IndexType  numNonZeroRows,
const IndexType  rowIndexes[],
const IndexType  csrIA[],
const IndexType  csrJA[],
const ValueType  csrValues[],
class SyncToken syncToken 
) [static]

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