Printable Class Reference

The class Printable can be used as a base class for classes that should provide the output operator << to print info about it. More...

#include <Printable.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Printable:

Public Member Functions

 Printable ()
 Creates a Printable.
virtual ~Printable ()
 Destroys a Printable.
virtual void writeAt (std::ostream &stream) const
 Writes some Information about this to the passed stream.

Detailed Description

The class Printable can be used as a base class for classes that should provide the output operator << to print info about it.

This base class avoids the definition of the operator<< for individual classes.

The operator<< is especially helpful for logging messages.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Printable::~Printable ( ) [virtual]

Destroys a Printable.

Member Function Documentation

void Printable::writeAt ( std::ostream &  stream) const [virtual]

Writes some Information about this to the passed stream.

If a deriving class does not overrides writeAt, typeid(this).name() is written to stream.

[out]streamthe stream to write to.

Reimplemented in lama::LAMAInterface, lama::Communicator, lama::SparseMatrix< T >, lama::SparseMatrix< ValueType >, lama::DenseMatrix< T >, lama::Matrix, lama::Redistributor, lama::DenseVector< T >, lama::Solver, lama::Vector, lama::LAMAArray< T >, lama::LAMAArray< IndexType >, lama::LAMAArray< ValueType >, lama::MPICommunicator, lama::LAMAArrayConstView< T >, lama::LAMAArrayConstView< ValueType >, lama::DIAStorage< T >, lama::PGASCommunicator, lama::JDSStorage< T >, lama::CommunicationPlan, lama::CSRStorage< T >, lama::WriteAccess< T >, lama::Context, lama::ELLStorage< T >, lama::COOStorage< T >, lama::NoCommunicator, lama::Criterion, lama::_MatrixStorage, lama::Distribution, lama::DenseStorageView< T >, lama::Scalar, lama::ResidualStagnation, lama::GenBlockDistribution, lama::Task, lama::PGASInterface, lama::ResidualThreshold, lama::SparseAssemblyStorage< T >, lama::CyclicDistribution, lama::Halo, lama::LAMAArrayView< T >, lama::LAMAArrayView< ValueType >, lama::ReadAccess< T >, lama::SyncToken, lama::GeneralDistribution, lama::IterationCount, lama::CUDAContext, lama::CUDAHostContext, lama::BlockDistribution, lama::MPISyncToken, lama::PGASContext, lama::PGASCheckInterface, lama::ContextAccess, lama::TaskSyncToken, lama::HostContext, lama::DefaultHostContext, lama::PGASSyncToken, lama::NoDistribution, lama::GPIInterface, lama::OpenShMemInterface, lama::BaseAccess, lama::NoSyncToken, and lama::PGASNoInterface.

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