00001 00034 #ifndef LAMA_MATRIX_STORAGE_HPP_ 00035 #define LAMA_MATRIX_STORAGE_HPP_ 00036 00037 #include <ostream> 00038 00039 // others 00040 #include <lama/LAMAArray.hpp> 00041 00042 #include <lama/io/FileType.hpp> 00043 00044 namespace lama 00045 { 00046 00047 class Distribution; // Forward declaration 00048 00051 typedef enum 00052 { 00053 CSR, 00054 ELL, 00055 DIA, 00056 JDS, 00057 COO, 00058 DENSE, 00059 ASSEMBLY, 00060 UNDEFINED 00061 } MatrixStorageFormat; 00062 00063 std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& stream, 00064 const MatrixStorageFormat storageFormat ); 00065 00082 class LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT _MatrixStorage : public Printable 00083 { 00084 public: 00085 00088 _MatrixStorage( const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numColumns); 00089 00092 _MatrixStorage(); 00093 00094 virtual ~_MatrixStorage(); 00095 00101 virtual const char* getTypeName() const = 0; 00102 00105 void init( const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numColumns ); 00106 00109 virtual Scalar::ScalarType getValueType() const = 0; 00110 00116 virtual void clear() = 0; 00117 00121 virtual void purge() = 0; 00122 00131 virtual void allocate( const IndexType numRows, const IndexType numColumns) = 0; 00132 00133 /****************************************************************** 00134 * mContext : setter / getter for preferred context * 00135 ******************************************************************/ 00136 00142 void setContext( ContextPtr context ); 00143 00146 ContextPtr getContextPtr() const { return mContext; } 00147 00150 const Context& getContext() const { return *mContext; } 00151 00154 virtual void prefetch( const ContextPtr context ) const = 0; 00155 00158 void prefetch() const { prefetch( mContext ); } 00159 00162 virtual void wait() const = 0; 00163 00166 void setCompressThreshold(float ratio); 00167 00168 inline IndexType getNumRows() const; 00169 00170 inline IndexType getNumColumns() const; 00171 00172 virtual void writeAt(std::ostream& stream) const; 00173 00174 void resetDiagonalProperty(); 00175 00176 inline bool hasDiagonalProperty() const; 00177 00178 virtual MatrixStorageFormat getFormat() const = 0; 00179 00185 virtual void setIdentity( const IndexType n ) = 0; 00186 00194 virtual void getRow( _LAMAArray& row, const IndexType i ) const = 0; 00195 00204 virtual void getDiagonal( _LAMAArray& diagonal ) const = 0; 00205 00210 virtual void setDiagonal( const _LAMAArray& diagonal ) = 0; 00211 00212 virtual void setDiagonal( const Scalar value ) = 0; 00213 00214 /****************************************************************** 00215 * Scaling of elements in a matrix * 00216 ******************************************************************/ 00217 00222 virtual void scale( const Scalar value ) = 0; 00223 00230 virtual void scale( const _LAMAArray& values ) = 0; 00231 00232 /****************************************************************** 00233 * General operations on a matrix * 00234 ******************************************************************/ 00235 00246 virtual void localize( const _MatrixStorage& global, 00247 const Distribution& rowDist ); 00248 00267 virtual IndexType getNumValues() const; 00268 00269 inline const LAMAArray<IndexType>& getRowIndexes() const; 00270 00287 virtual void buildCSRSizes( LAMAArray<IndexType>& csrIA ) const = 0; 00288 00311 virtual void buildCSRData( LAMAArray<IndexType>& csrIA, 00312 LAMAArray<IndexType>& csrJA, 00313 _LAMAArray& csrValues ) const = 0; 00314 00325 virtual void setCSRData( const IndexType numRows, 00326 const IndexType numColumns, 00327 const IndexType numValues, 00328 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& csrIA, 00329 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& csrJA, 00330 const _LAMAArray& csrValues ) = 0; 00331 00339 virtual void assign( const _MatrixStorage& other ) = 0; 00340 00344 virtual void copyTo( _MatrixStorage& other ) const = 0; 00345 00348 _MatrixStorage& operator=( const _MatrixStorage& other ); 00349 00350 /****************************************************************** 00351 * Help routines (ToDo: -> LAMAArrayUtils ?? ) * 00352 ******************************************************************/ 00353 00356 static void offsets2sizes( LAMAArray<IndexType>& offsets ); 00357 00358 static void offsets2sizes( LAMAArray<IndexType>& sizes, const LAMAArray<IndexType>& offsets ); 00359 00362 static IndexType sizes2offsets( LAMAArray<IndexType>& sizes ); 00363 00371 /****************************************************************** 00372 * Query routines * 00373 ******************************************************************/ 00374 00375 size_t getMemoryUsage() const; 00376 00377 virtual void check( const char* msg ) const = 0; 00378 00390 virtual _MatrixStorage* create() const = 0; 00391 00403 virtual _MatrixStorage* copy() const = 0; 00404 00405 protected: 00406 00414 void swap( _MatrixStorage& other ); 00415 00416 virtual void _assignTranspose( const _MatrixStorage& other ); 00417 00418 virtual void _assign( const _MatrixStorage& other ); 00419 00430 virtual size_t getMemoryUsageImpl() const =0; 00431 00432 IndexType mNumRows; 00433 00434 IndexType mNumColumns; 00435 00436 LAMAArray<IndexType> mRowIndexes; 00437 00438 float mCompressThreshold; 00439 00440 bool mDiagonalProperty; 00441 00442 LAMA_LOG_DECL_STATIC_LOGGER( logger ); 00443 00444 ContextPtr mContext; 00445 00446 private: 00447 00453 virtual bool checkDiagonalProperty() const = 0; 00454 }; 00455 00456 class Distribution; 00457 00464 template<typename T> 00465 class LAMA_DLL_IMPORTEXPORT MatrixStorage : public _MatrixStorage 00466 { 00467 public: 00468 00471 typedef T ValueType; 00472 00475 MatrixStorage( const IndexType numRows, 00476 const IndexType numColumns); 00477 00480 MatrixStorage(); 00481 00484 virtual ~MatrixStorage(); 00485 00488 virtual MatrixStorage* create() const = 0; 00489 00492 virtual MatrixStorage* copy() const = 0; 00493 00496 virtual Scalar::ScalarType getValueType() const; 00497 00509 template<typename OtherValueType> 00510 void setRawDenseData( const IndexType numRows, 00511 const IndexType numColumns, 00512 const OtherValueType values[], 00513 const ValueType eps = 0.0 ); 00514 00526 template<typename OtherValueType> 00527 void setRawCSRData( const IndexType numRows, 00528 const IndexType numColumns, 00529 const IndexType numValues, 00530 const IndexType* const ia, 00531 const IndexType* const ja, 00532 const OtherValueType* const values); 00533 00550 virtual void joinHalo( const _MatrixStorage& localData, 00551 const _MatrixStorage& haloData, 00552 const class Halo& halo, 00553 const class Distribution& colDist ); 00554 00564 virtual void splitHalo( MatrixStorage<ValueType>& localData, 00565 MatrixStorage<ValueType>& haloData, 00566 class Halo& halo, 00567 const class Distribution& colDist, 00568 const class Distribution* rowDist ) const; 00569 00578 virtual void buildHalo( class Halo& halo, 00579 const class Distribution& colDist ); 00580 00589 virtual void localize( const _MatrixStorage& globalData, 00590 const class Distribution& rowDist ); 00591 00599 virtual void replicate( const _MatrixStorage& localData, 00600 const class Distribution& rowDist ); 00601 00609 virtual ValueType getValue( IndexType i, IndexType j ) const = 0; 00610 00616 virtual void buildCSCData( LAMAArray<IndexType>& cscIA, 00617 LAMAArray<IndexType>& cscJA, 00618 LAMAArray<ValueType>& cscValues ) const; 00619 00623 virtual void assign( const _MatrixStorage& other ); 00624 00628 virtual void copyTo( _MatrixStorage& other ) const; 00629 00635 virtual void assignTranspose( const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& other ); 00636 00644 virtual void redistribute( const _MatrixStorage& other, const class Redistributor& redistributor ); 00645 00648 virtual void exchangeHalo( const class Halo& halo, const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& matrix, 00649 const class Communicator& comm ); 00650 00653 static void convertCSR2CSC( LAMAArray<IndexType>& colIA, 00654 LAMAArray<IndexType>& colJA, 00655 LAMAArray<ValueType>& colValues, 00656 const IndexType numColumns, 00657 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& rowIA, 00658 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& rowJA, 00659 const LAMAArray<ValueType>& rowValues, 00660 const ContextPtr loc ); 00666 static void joinRows( LAMAArray<IndexType>& outIA, 00667 LAMAArray<IndexType>& outJA, 00668 LAMAArray<ValueType>& outValues, 00669 const IndexType numRows, 00670 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& rowIndexes, 00671 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& inIA, 00672 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& inJA, 00673 const LAMAArray<ValueType>& inValues ); 00674 00677 MatrixStorage& operator=( const _MatrixStorage& other ); 00678 00688 /****************************************************************** 00689 * File I/O for MatrixStorage * 00690 ******************************************************************/ 00691 00692 virtual void writeToFile( const std::string& fileName, 00693 const File::FileType fileType = File::BINARY, 00694 const File::DataType dataType = File::INTERNAL, 00695 const File::IndexDataType indexDataTypeIA = File::INT, 00696 const File::IndexDataType indexDataTypeJA = File::INT ) const; 00697 00698 virtual void writeToFile( const PartitionId size, 00699 const PartitionId rank, 00700 const std::string& fileName, 00701 const File::FileType fileType = File::BINARY, 00702 const File::DataType dataType = File::INTERNAL, 00703 const File::IndexDataType indexDataTypeIA = File::INT, 00704 const File::IndexDataType indexDataTypeJA = File::INT ) const; 00705 00706 virtual void readFromFile( const std::string& fileName ); 00707 00708 /****************************************************************** 00709 * invert * 00710 ******************************************************************/ 00711 00718 virtual void invert( const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& other ); 00719 00720 /****************************************************************** 00721 * Matrix * ( Vector | Matrix ) * 00722 ******************************************************************/ 00723 00730 virtual void matrixTimesVector( 00731 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> result, 00732 const ValueType alpha, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> x, 00733 const ValueType beta, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> y ) const; 00734 00735 virtual void matrixTimesVectorN( 00736 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> result, 00737 const IndexType n, 00738 const ValueType alpha, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> x, 00739 const ValueType beta, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> y ) const; 00740 00750 virtual std::auto_ptr<SyncToken> matrixTimesVectorAsync( 00751 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> result, 00752 const ValueType alpha, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> x, 00753 const ValueType beta, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> y ) const; 00754 00760 virtual void matrixTimesScalar( 00761 const ValueType alpha, 00762 const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& a ); 00763 00766 virtual void matrixTimesMatrix( 00767 const ValueType alpha, 00768 const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& a, 00769 const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& b, 00770 const ValueType beta, 00771 const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& c ); 00772 00777 virtual ValueType maxDiffNorm ( const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& other ); 00778 00779 /****************************************************************** 00780 * Solver methods (e.g. Jacobi ) * 00781 ******************************************************************/ 00782 00795 virtual void jacobiIterate( 00796 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> solution, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> oldSolution, 00797 const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> rhs, const ValueType omega) const; 00798 00801 virtual std::auto_ptr<SyncToken> jacobiIterateAsync( 00802 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> solution, const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> oldSolution, 00803 const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> rhs, const ValueType omega) const; 00804 00818 virtual void jacobiIterateHalo( 00819 LAMAArrayView<ValueType> localSolution, 00820 const MatrixStorage<ValueType>& localStorage, 00821 const LAMAArrayConstView<ValueType> haloOldSolution, 00822 const ValueType omega ) const; 00823 00824 using _MatrixStorage::getContext; 00825 using _MatrixStorage::getContextPtr; 00826 00827 protected: 00828 00835 ValueType mEpsilon; 00836 00852 void swap( MatrixStorage<ValueType>& other ); 00853 }; 00854 00855 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 00856 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 00857 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 00858 00859 IndexType _MatrixStorage::getNumRows() const 00860 { 00861 return mNumRows; 00862 } 00863 00864 IndexType _MatrixStorage::getNumColumns() const 00865 { 00866 return mNumColumns; 00867 } 00868 00869 bool _MatrixStorage::hasDiagonalProperty() const 00870 { 00871 return mDiagonalProperty; 00872 } 00873 00874 const LAMAArray<IndexType>& _MatrixStorage::getRowIndexes() const 00875 { 00876 return mRowIndexes; 00877 } 00878 00879 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 00880 00881 template<typename ValueType> 00882 template<typename OtherValueType> 00883 void MatrixStorage<ValueType>::setRawCSRData( const IndexType numRows, 00884 const IndexType numColumns, 00885 const IndexType numValues, 00886 const IndexType* const ia, 00887 const IndexType* const ja, 00888 const OtherValueType* const values) 00889 { 00890 // wrap the pointer data into LAMA arrays ( without copies ) 00891 00892 LAMAArrayRef<IndexType> csrIA( ia, numRows + 1 ); 00893 LAMAArrayRef<IndexType> csrJA( ja, numValues ); 00894 LAMAArrayRef<OtherValueType> csrValues( values, numValues ); 00895 00896 // now set the data on the context of this storage via virtual method 00897 00898 setCSRData( numRows, numColumns, numValues, csrIA, csrJA, csrValues ); 00899 } 00900 00901 } // namespace lama 00902 00903 #endif // LAMA_MATRIX_STORAGE_HPP_